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SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems

Table of Contents
Volume 4, Issue 4, pp. 783-1228

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Bose-Einstein Condensates in Superlattices

Mason A. Porter and P. G. Kevrekidis

pp. 783-807

Dynamics of the Optical Parametric Oscillator Near Resonance Detuning

Sarah E. Hewitt and J. Nathan Kutz

pp. 808-831

Computing Invariant Manifolds by Integrating Fat Trajectories

Michael E. Henderson

pp. 832-882

Random Attractor for Damped Nonlinear Wave Equations with White Noise

Shengfan Zhou, Fuqi Yin, and Zigen Ouyang

pp. 883-903

The Slow Dynamics of Two-Spike Solutions for the Gray--Scott and Gierer--Meinhardt Systems: Competition and Oscillatory Instabilities

Wentao Sun, Michael J. Ward, and Robert Russell

pp. 904-953

Existence and Stability of Traveling Pulses in a Continuous Neuronal Network

David J. Pinto, Russell K. Jackson, and C. Eugene Wayne

pp. 954-984

Bifurcation of Connecting Orbits with One Nonhyperbolic Fixed Point for Maps

Thorsten Hüls

pp. 985-1007

Computing One-Dimensional Global Manifolds of Poincaré Maps by Continuation

J. P. England, B. Krauskopf, and H. M. Osinga

pp. 1008-1041

Relative Periodic Solutions of the Complex Ginzburg--Landau Equation

Vanessa López, Philip Boyland, Michael T. Heath, and Robert D. Moser

pp. 1042-1075

Grazing Bifurcations and Chaos in the Dynamics of a Hydraulic Damper with Relief Valves

R. D. Eyres, P. T. Piiroinen, A. R. Champneys, and N. A. J. Lieven

pp. 1076-1106

The Dynamic Range of Bursting in a Model Respiratory Pacemaker Network

Janet Best, Alla Borisyuk, Jonathan Rubin, David Terman, and Martin Wechselberger

pp. 1107-1139

The Motion of the Spherical Pendulum Subjected to a $D_n$ Symmetric Perturbation

Pascal Chossat and Nawaf M. Bou-Rabee

pp. 1140-1158

Motion of the Tippe Top: Gyroscopic Balance Condition and Stability

Takahiro Ueda, Ken Sasaki, and Shinsuke Watanabe

pp. 1159-1194

Kink-Antikink Collisions in the phi^4 Equation: The n-Bounce Resonance and the Separatrix Map

Roy H. Goodman and Richard Haberman

pp. 1195-1228